Ricetta nata dalla fantasia delle donne dei marinai: la sarda, ” pesce povero”, il più delle volte rimaneva invenduta. Ecco che subentrava la straordinaria bravura di quelle semplici massaie che ben sapevano trasformare una vivanda “semplice” in una leccornia.


  • Sarde ( squamate, sventrate, decapitate, diliscate, lavate e aperte a libro): 1 kg
  • Prezzemolo: ( finemente tritato): 1 ciuffetto
  • Acciugaro ( origano): 1 pizzico
  • Aglio: 2 spicchi
  • Pane grattugiato: q.b.
  • Farina: q.b.
  • Sale: q.b.
  • Olio Extravergine di Oliva: 1  filino
  • Salsa di pomodoro: a piacere
  • Padella
  • Olio per friggere: q.b.


-Mettere in una scodella gli ingredienti ben amalgamati assieme ( pane, odori,), condire con un filino di olio, tanto quanto basta per tenerli assieme, insaporirli.
-Riprendere in mano le sarde già pronte per la cottura, riempire una metà e ricoprire con l’altra metà, schiacciando bene.
-Passare nella farina e quindi friggere in padella con olio ben caldo.
-A piacere potete preparare una salsetta di pomodoro e con questa ricoprire le sarde già fritte prima di servire in tavola.Buon appetito!

Dear Friends , for your recipes, I suggest you buy from ‘ E- Shop’ SimplyMed ” the products of the Mediterranean diet because ” Simply Med ” Healthy Food sells only 100% ITALIAN , produced in the best Italian peasant farms .
Among the many delights try the Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Simply Med .”
It is a true ” Elixir ” long life that should always be present on the table of our families to live better and longer than our loved ones.
This olive oil is the real Prince of the Mediterranean Diet .

Click here to enter in the e- Shop

From tales of the kitchen. Ancient recipes . Edited by Lorenzo Toto


Recipe created by the imagination of women sailors : the Sardinian ” poor fish ” , most of the time remained unsold . Here’s which replaced the extraordinary talent of those simple housewives who knew very well transform a dish “simple” into a delicacy .


  • Sardines ( scaled , gutted , beheaded , dliliscate , washed and opened like a book ): 1 kg
  • Parsley ( finely chopped): a sprig
  • Acciugaro ( oregano): a pinch
  • Garlic: 2 cloves
  • Breadcrumbs: q.b.
  • Flour: q.b.
  • Salt: q.b.
  • Extra virgin olive oil: a trickle
  • Tomato sauce: and , as desired
  • Pan
  • Oil for frying: q.b.


-Put in a bowl the ingredients thoroughly mixed together (bread, smells), season with a trickle of oil, as well as enough to keep them together, insaporirli.
-Resume hand sardines ready for cooking, fill a half and cover with the other half, squeeze it well.
-Go into the flour and then fry in a pan with hot oil.
-A pleasure you can prepare a sauce of tomato and with this cover sardines already fried before serving in tavola.Buon appetite!

Dear Friends , for your recipes , I suggest you buy from ‘ E-Shop ‘ SimplyMed “the products of the Mediterranean diet Because” Simply Med ” Healthy Food sells only 100% ITALIAN , produced in the best Italian peasant farms.
Among the many delights try the Extra Virgin Olive Oil “Simply Med . “
It is a true ” Elixir ” long life That Should always be present on the table of our families to live better and longer than our loved ones .
This olive oil is the real Prince of the Mediterranean Diet.

Click here to enter in the e-Shop

From tales of the kitchen . Ancient recipes . Edited by Lorenzo Toto


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